Cycling from Standish Hickey to Mackericher – Pacific Coast Highway Tour

After spending several days sitting out a storm which had damaged my bike, it was time to set off cycling from Standish Hickey to Mackericher as part of my bike tour from Alaska to Argentina.

Leaving Standish Hickey

It felt good to get underway again! The new rear wheel proved to be fine (after a tree fell on my old one), in fact, it seemed to travel faster than the previous one. The chain needs changing though to match the new cassette.

Not much to report today. There were a couple of reasonably challenging sections, and a lot of mist, so views were limited. At a grocery store in Westport, I caught sight of a poster that offered an excorcism. A bit weird !!


A poster advertising exorcism services seen when Cycling from Standish Hickey to Mackericher - Pacific Coast Highway Tour

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