Where to Eat the Best Food in Athens

It is a well kept secret, but Greece has the best cuisine in the world. Forget Spain, don’t even think about Italy. Greece is where it’s at. Some places are better to eat than others though, especially in Athens, the capital. Here then, is where to eat the best food in Athens. Eating in Athens … Read more

Municipal Gallery of Athens, Greece

The Municpial Gallery of Athens is one of the lesser visited museums in the city, but an interesting place nonetheless. Here’s more about it. Athens Municpial Gallery The Municipal Gallery of Athens is one of a number of museums in Athens which are housed in more than one building. This can make it quite confusing in … Read more

Museum of Greek Popular Musical Instruments in Athens

This week, I feature the Museum of Greek Popular Musical Instruments / The Fivos Anoyanakis Collection Centre of Ethnomusicology as my #museummonday travel blog post. As this is a bit of a mouthful, I will refer to it as the Music Museum from now on! Museum of Greek Popular Musical Instruments This is a museum … Read more

Eleftherios Venizelos Museum Athens | Daves Travel Pages

This week, the Eleftherios Venizelos Museum in Athens features as my museum of the week. This is part of an ongoing series of articles about museums in Athens, where I visit one a week. Follow hashtag #museummonday on twitter to keep track of them all! The Eleftherios Venizelos Museum in Athens Before I go any … Read more