I took a day off the bicycle to explore the Redwoods near Burlington campground, USA as part of my bike tour from Alaska to Argentina.
Redwoods near Burlington
(Blog post written 11th October 2009)
So, I took the day off to wander around some trees, and very nice it was too!! The redwoods are pretty awesome, and I followed a couple of trails through the forests, learning some things along the way

Did you know that even though they grow to 300 feet tall, there roots rarely go below 8 feet in the ground, and that they interlock with their neighbours roots, providing each other support?
Did you know that their bark can grow up to a foot thick? Now you do!
The information centre next to the campground was worth a half hour wander around, and inside they had a truck whose body was made out of one log.
They also had free coffee and tea, so I abused that a bit! I spent the rest of the day reading a book called Politics by Adam Thirwell. Highly recommended as it is brilliantly written, although its not one for the prudish!
I’ve heard that the long term weather forecast predicts heavy rain for Tuesday, and if that is the case, I will take another day off from cycling then as well, although I shall need a new book.
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