Taking some time out in Panama City, I organised a boat ride from Panama to Colombia, and prepared my bike by packing it down ready.
Booking a boat ride from Panama to Colombia
Blog post written: April 26th 2010
Organising a boat to Colombia was extremely easy through the hostel here in Panama City.
Richie, the guy that owns the place, knew of a boat leaving on the 28th, and a quick phone call and it was all booked.
By the time various deposits, transport costs and taxes are added up, its basically 400 dollars. Not exactly cheap, but I am hoping that the experience will more than outweigh the cost.
I spent the day disassembling my Bob Yak trailer, phoned home and did a few other chores. A two dollar carton of wine was just the job at the end of the day.
Read more about cycling from Alaska to Argentina
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