Cycling from Guadalupe to Lompoc

Today I left my Warmshowers host in Guadalupe and cycled to Lompoc along the Pacific Coast Highway. Part of my bike tour along the PanAmerican Highway.

Cycling to Lompoc

Dave Briggs and Barrack Obama

As Anne was moving out today, it became my duty to eat everything in the fridge, and what I couldn’t eat, Anne packed up for me. A fabulous person, I hope to hear from her when she helps a friend sail his boat from Thailand to the Med.

After saying goodbye I hit the road rested and energised, which made the cycling go smoothly despite some big, steep climbs.

Passing Vandenburg Air Base, I reached the town of Lompoc, where I visited a bicycle shop and stocked up on spares to last the months ahead.

The wind was picking up, making cycling difficult, so I decided to stay in town at a campsite by the waterless river.

The wind was super strong in the afternoon, bending the tent at all manner of strange angles, which it somehow survived. Learning from previous errors, both tent and bicycle were well away from any trees that looked threatening.

Read more about cycling from Alaska to Argentina

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