Cycling from Kitwanga to Hazletons in Canada

A short day of cycling between Kitwanga and Hazletons in Canada as I continued my journey cycling across the Americas. The bad weather I had been experiencing for weeks improved which was a bonus!

A view of Kitwanga as I cycled across Canada

Cycling from Kitwanga

(Blog post written: Aug 31 2009)

Overnight, two cyclists turned up, so we had a bit of a chat, but I left before they did despite us cycling in the same direction, as I only had a short day in mind.

I called it a day at Hazleton, and cycled down into the Ksan campground – a move I could regret when I have to cycle back uphill in the morning.

A combination of insect bites has made my right hand swell up to twice the size of my left hand. Outstanding. On the plus side, the weather is amazing now, and should be for the next few days.

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Adventure cyclist Dave Briggs bike touring the PanAmerican HighwayDave Briggs
Dave wrote this travel guide about cycling from Kitwanga campground to Hazletons in Canada when cycle touring from Alaska to Argentina.

Follow Dave on social media for travel, adventure and bike touring inspiration:


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