Cycling from Metapan to Santa Ana in El Salvador – Bike Touring

This was my first day's full cycling in El Salvador. Today's blog post covers the cycling route from Metapan to Santa Ana.

Cycling in El Salvador

(Blog post written March 12 2010)

Again, a short day of just over 50 kms, but another tough one that left me wondering if there was any flat ground in El Salvador at all !

There are quite a lot of volcanoes here though, so I guess not.

The heat was pretty impressive once more, which when combined with the steep ascents left me dripping in sweat.

Along the way, a car wheel overtook me, closely followed by the car itself, throwing sparks up into the air as it grinded its way across the road before stopping in front of me. The guy got out of the car, ice cream still in hand – So that was ok then.

Santa Ana in El Salvador

I cycled into the city of Santa Ana, and headed into what I assume to be the centre.

El Salvador is a country I have done zero research into, have no information about, and have no guidebook or specific maps for. Great orginisation there!

I ended up in Hotel Livingston, which I have initially taken for two nights, although may extend further, as I really should plan my route to Panama.

Staying in Hotel Livingston in Santa Ana, El Salvador

Cycling Tan

These last days cycling in the sun have topped up my cyclists tan nicely. (Towel not models own)

Dave Briggs cycling tan

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