On this day of my bike tour from Alaska to Argentina, I cycled from Quirigua to Rio Honda in Guatemala. This is my bike touring blog from the day.
Cycling in Guatemala
Blog post written: March 9th 2010
A little bit of a harder ride today, due to some pretty intense heat and lumpy countryside. The landscape also changed from lush green to dry brown earth.
I had a good, cheap breakfast for 15 Quetzales at a roadside stand, which fuelled me up well for the hills ahead.
I decided to call it a day in the small town of Rio Hondo, where I took a 60 Quetzales hotel room. The shower was almost icy cold, but boy did I need it !
Always check the date…
There was a short day on the cards for the next day, as I had a few more Quetzales left over than I had originally calculated, so I decided it was better to spend a day extra in Guatemala than lose out on an exchange rate.
Had a bit of a shopping disaster when two out of five products I bought from the local store were out of date. The biscuits were seven months over but tasted ok !
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