Today I cycled on to Mulege in Baja California. I intended to stay only one night, but as you'll see in subsequent updates, I ended up staying much longer.
Cycling to Mulege
After stocking up on bananas from a roadside stand, I carried on towards Mulege, my goal for the day. The going was pretty easy, although there were a couple of climbs.
On arriving in Mulege, I consulted the directions to the Warmshowers host I had been in contact with – Turn right at the river, over the hill, opposite a shop take the road by the second lampost on the left… that sort of thing.
Actually, they were spot on, and I soon found the place, met Bill, and was warmly welcomed and made to feel at home.
After settling in with a shower and a rum on the rocks, Bill took me out to a restaurant a friend of his owns, where we had a great meal, and a couple more drinks. Back at the house, I slept like a log.
Read more about cycling from Alaska to Argentina
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