Cycling from Chilecito to Sanogasta in Argentina

This bike touring blog post covers the short day's ride between Chilecito and Sanogasta in Argentina. Part of my Alaska to Argentina bicycle tour.

Leaving Chilecito

Blog post written January 30 2011

I was in two minds as to whether I should leave Chilecito, as my legs were a little heavy from the previous week of cycling.

I reached a compromise though, and just did thirty kilometres instead. Even so, this was pretty tough work, probably due to tiredness, but all uphill and I wasn’t getting much above 8 km an hour out.

Cycling from Chilecito to Sanogasta in Argentina


I reached the village of Sanogasta, and stocked up with a few things, especially drinks, as the day was a hot one. Then, I hit the road again.

Someone had emailed me and mentioned that there was a campground just outside the village, and so I headed there.

It was still just early afternoon, not even one. The perfect time to set my tent up in the shade of some thorny trees, and read a book all afternoon.

No one came to take any money, so it was a freebie as well!

Read more about cycling from Alaska to Argentina


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