Day off Popayan Colombia – Bike Touring Blogs

During every long distance bike tour, you need to take days off. In the Colombia section of cycling from Alaska to Argentina in 2010, I took a day off in Popayan.

Popayan in Colombia
By Car710Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

A Rest Day in Popayan

Blog post written: May 25 2010

After working out a projected route, I decided to take a day off, as I should still make the border with Ecuador before my visa runs out, and well, quite frankly, my legs were tired after all the mountain work.

As I have a nasty three day section of mountains ahead of me, its probably for the best !

I decided to buy some rain gear which I managed to get hold of easily. Its not breathable, but it is waterproof, so I should be able to keep warm and dry whilst waiting out any rains that may catch me up in the mountains.

A bit of a re-supply and internet usage in the morning, and kit maintenance in the afternoon gave my legs a chance to rest ahead of the next 6 cycling days in front of me.

Read more about cycling from Alaska to Argentina


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