The day's cycling between Guerro Negro and Vizcaino was around 80kms, and on arrival, I stayed in a campground for the night.
Cycle Touring Baja California
Blog post written November 14th, 2009
The 80 km to Vizcaino took no time at all, either due to me being super strong, or as is more likely, a tailwind.
A hotel/RV park in the south side of town wanted 75 pesos to camp, and as there was also free WiFi and a good shower, the deal was sealed.
I’m in an extremely positive frame of mind right now (possibly due to caffeine overdose from a generic Cola 3 litre special offer).
I came in under budget, have some stops located for the next few days, and even degreased and re-lubed my chain. I’m also very happy with how my website is developing and gaining more and more visitors every day. All is good 🙂
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