Cycling from Ocosingo to Agua Azul in Chiapas Mexico

Cycling in Chiapas, Mexico is a great experience! Here's my daily travel blog update from cycling from Ocosingo to Agua Azul in Mexico.

Cycling in Chiapas

Blog post written: Feb 25, 2010

An absolutely great days cycling through the mountains of Chiapas. The views were stunning, overlooking green countryside, and as we cycled through the villages, the women were dressed in colourful local costume.

Cycling from Ocosingo to Agua Azul in Chiapas Mexico

Some of the sections were quite hard work, but the downhill sections more than made up for it.

We ( I had met Oliver another cyclist the day before) headed to Agua Azul, and after paying the two(?) entrance fees, found a posada to stay for the night.

With the bikes left in the room, we took a walk out to the waterfalls which more than compensated for the effort to get there.

The water was a lovely blue (hence agua azul), and cascaded down over the limestone rocks. (Cascadas also being the Spanish word for waterfall).

Agua Azul in Chiapas Mexico

We took a walk up closer to the top, and found a good place to take a swim, just before the sign where it says to not go further because of muggers. With that taken care of, only having a meal and a few beers was left to achieve. Marvelous.

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