Cycling from Laguna Beach to Encinitas

Today I cycled a little closer to the Mexican border when I rode between Laguna Beach and Encinitas. Part of my bike tour from Alaska to Argentina.

Cycling out of Laguna Beach

A big breakfast and onto the road. Again, it was just a matter of following Highway One… pretty simple stuff.

When I reached a military base, they wouldn’t let me cycle through it because I didn’t have a bicycle helmet, and requests to borrow one of their GI Joe style helmets were denied.

There was no choice but to get on the Interstate (picture the M6), and pedal like crazy for the ten mile stretch until I had got past the base.

Staying at a host's house

Getting off at Oceanside, I gave John and Krissy a call. John and Krissy are the parents of Dave, a cyclist I met way up in Alaska, and he had passed on their details suggesting that I stay there whenever I got into the area.

Cycling out of Whitehorse in Canada

Dave himself is well ahead of me, putting in some huge days, and has already completed the Baja California section, and is well on his way through the mainland.

Krissy was home, and I had already Googled instructions to their house, and an hour or so later I was there. I was warmly welcomed, and with a shower and laundry sorted out, things got a bit hectic, which I wrote in my diary the next day….

Read more about cycling from Alaska to Argentina

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