Cycling Puerta Vallarta to A field somewhere in Mexico

I cycled out of Puerta Vallarta in Mexico as fast as I could, and headed on ever southward. After 100km, I decided to wild camp. Here's the day's travel blog.

Cycling from Puerta Vallarta

(Blog post written January 14th, 2010 during my Alaska to Argentina bicycle tour)

The days cycling started off pretty well, with some stunning views of the ocean for the first hour. However, there then followed a three hour, 30 km uphill climb which was just horrible.

At the end of the climb, was the town of El Tuito, where I had intended to stay for the night. There appeared to be only one hotel, which was outside my price range, so I decided to push on.

The next 20 kms was all downhill, which was far more like it! I passed through another small town, where the only accommodation available was in a brothel, but even they wanted too much money for the room… Well, I assume it was just for the room.

No other choice but to push on, and hot and unbelievably sweaty I carried on until 16.30, when I found a suitable field on the side of the road, dived in, and set my tent up in the corner. A night wild camping would help my bike touring budget!

A big day of over 100 kms ,over some challenging terrain , in challenging conditions and two punctures. I slept well !!

Cycling Puerta Vallarta to A field somewhere in Mexico

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