I needed a day off from cycling in order to rest my knee, which was in pretty bad condition. Buying a knee support in Fairbanks helped! A rest day when cycling from Alaska to Argentina.
Rest day in Fairbanks
(Blog post written: Sat 01 August 2009)
I bought a brace for my knee yesterday, which is tight neoprene with metal bars down the sides to keep my knee straight.
It still allows the knee to bend, just not to ‘wobble'. And that, with not cycling for the day, seems to be doing the trick, as its not hurting half as much – Of course, I could have just cut the circulation off from my leg.
I figured that a week off from cycling would sort it out, but I wasn't convinced that I felt I had that amount of time to spare. I'd just take it day by day, and start off cycling again when I felt over 70% better!
How I spent the day in Fairbanks
Spent the day buying some small items which will make travelling easier, such as different bags in order to keep my stuff clean and dry whilst on the road. Its surprising how filthy everything can become.
Did some clothes washing, and tomorrow I will ride up to Chase's house to collect my gear.
Have for now booked one extra night, meaning that I will leave on Monday morning. These few set backs make me more determined than ever to continue cycling to Argentina!
Read more about cycling from Alaska to Argentina
Read more about this bike touring adventure
Use the links below for more of my daily blog posts from this cycling tour.
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- The Best Panniers for Bike Touring
- How to cope with being sick when bicycle touring around the world
- How to cut costs on a bicycle tour
- Motivational quotes for cycling
- Alaska Captions
– Dave Briggs
Dave wrote this travel guide about Fairbanks, Alaska when bike touring from Alaska to Argentina.
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