Cycling from Tingo Viejo to Leymebamba in Peru

After taking a day off from the bike to visit Kuelap, it was time to continue cycling. Today's journey involved cycling from Tingo Viejo to Leymebamba in Peru.

Cycling in the Utcubamba Valley in Peru

This bike touring blog post was written in July 19th 2010 as part of my bike tour from Alaska to Argentina. You can check out the rough route of the day’s cycle ride here.

A lovely clear blue sky day, with not a cloud in sight. I had a breakfast of two egg rolls, two cheese rolls and a cup of coffee before leaving Tingo Viejo, as I was a little peckish, and then started on the dirt road.

Cycling through the Utcubamba Valley in Peru

Again, it was in great condition, and made for some wonderful cycling, as I made my way up the Utcubamba Valley with the river on my right hand side. The rough road to Leymebamba was in great condition !

Cycling along the dirt road towards Leymebamba in Peru

Not a lot to report, other than the cycling really was excellent, the weather great, and the scenery magnificent. Peru is certainly proving itself to be a bit of a cycling highlight so far !

Cycling past a village in Peru

Packhorses grazing in Peru

Staying in Leymebamba

In Leymebamba, a brief inspection of the hospedejes led me to a 12 sole a night place with shared bathroom with hot water. Quite a nice place, and I plan to stay here either two or three nights as I prepare myself for the road ahead.

At night, I went to a restaurant over the road for a meal, and was pleasantly surprised to find that there was a stout like beer available. Wonderful!

Shane, an aussie traveller turned up a little while later, and we had a few beers whilst swapping tales of the road.


Read more about cycling from Alaska to Argentina

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