Time off in La Paz, Mexico – Pan American Bike Touring Diary

This entry covers the time off that I ended up having in La Paz, Mexico. I hadn’t originally planned on taking any time off, but I wanted to attempt to get a ride over to the mainland on a yacht.

Visiting the Marina in La Paz, Baja Mexico

(Blog post written December 13th 2009 when cycling between Alaska and Argentina on the PanAmerican Highway)

The marina in La Paz, Baja California, Mexico

Ed, a cyclist who I had met in Mulege, had successfully done this, and so I wanted to give it a go myself.

Checking out the notice board at the marina in La Paz, Mexico for a free yacht ride

I wrote a message and posted it on the club notice board in the marina. I went down every morning to use the VHF radio and announce that I wanted a ride during the ‘Net’ broadcast.

Talking to the yachties on the marina radio in La Paz, Mexico

No free ride

Unfortunately, things didn’t work out for me, and no lift was forthcoming. I’m a great believer in everything for a reason however, and by staying a day or two longer than planned, I bumped back into the Canadian cycling couple.

I had first met Brydone and Torel (sorry if my spelling is wrong) way back in Washington state, and it was good to see familiar faces again.

On the Saturday night, we went out for a meal in a restaurant called ‘La Fonda’. I had their speciality of skewered steak, and the portions were huge. Superb, and well worth the money!

Pension California

Pension California in La Paz, Baja Mexico

Back at the Pension California, one of the residents had decided to celebrate by having 10 litres of margarita made up. A few drinkies were had by all!

Dave Briggs making margaritas in Mexico

So, again, not an awful lot to report. If the ride to the mainland had worked out it would have been great, but on this occasion it was just not meant to be.

By having time off like this, and not having a great deal to write about, I feel as though I am letting down the people that drop by here regularly to follow my travels. Sorry guys! Normal service will soon be resumed, and I promise to get in more exciting and bizarre situations down the road!

A street in La Paz, Mexico

Read more about cycling from Alaska to Argentina

Use the links below

Related: What is Mexico famous for?


1 thought on “Time off in La Paz, Mexico – Pan American Bike Touring Diary”

  1. I’ve been following this from the start in Alaska. Really liking it. Was reading another riding tour blog before, but it started getting too political and i stopped reading it.
    This makes for good reading. Nice journey Dave.


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