Day off in Medellin – Bike Touring Blog Posts from Colombia

In May 2010, cycled through Colombia as part of my bike tour from Alaska to Argentina. Here's a blog post from when I took a day off in Medellin.

Bicycle Shops in Medellin

Blog post written: May 18 2010

Looking for bike repairs in Medellin?

There are a cluster of bicycle shops in Medellin, Colombia, around the junction of Carrera 52 and Calle 55. Colbic seemed to be the best of the bunch, so I took my bike in there.

The mechanic's name was David, so I knew that I would be alright! An hour and a half later, and the rear hub problem is solved, along with the gear skipping issues which are such a pain on the mountains.

Sightseeing in Medellin

A church in Medellin

I spent the rest of the day wandering around the centre, and had a quick look in the Municipal Palace.

Palacio in Medellin
Which had some interesting art displays inside.

Tomorrow, I need to head south, and start putting in some bigger days if I am to reach Ecuador before my 30 day visa for Colombia expires.

Note –  A big thank you to Blood, Sweat and Gears (what a cool name!!) for your kind donation. Let me know if you are getting a site up and running Chad so I can give it a nice shout out !!!

Read more about cycling from Alaska to Argentina

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Adventure cyclist Dave Briggs bike touring the PanAmerican HighwayDave Briggs
Dave has cycled around much of the world on different bicycle tours. He's biked from Alaska to Argentina, and England to South Africa and in addition to these suggestions on where to find bike shops in Medellin he's written many other guides to bike touring.

Follow Dave on social media for travel, adventure and bike touring inspiration:


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